
fitness Sep 22, 2017

Yoga is the eastern religion’s practice of mastering strength, awareness & harmony of the mind & body. Crossing over to western culture around the 1980’s, yoga became a trending form of physical exercise & relaxation. Its techniques help many medical problems such as arthritis, headaches, lowers blood pressure, and reduces insomnia. The benefits of yoga therefore include increased flexibility, increased muscle strength and tone, improved respiration and energy, maintaining a balanced metabolism, weight reduction, & cardio and circulatory health. Aside from these benefits, yoga also provides extensive benefits to one’s mental health. Specifically, it is a means of stress management & sharpens one’s concentration. In turn in reduces side-effects of stress including neck pain, sleeping problems, headaches, drug abuse & an inability to concentrate. All-in-all the practice of yoga is a great source of daily exercise, whilst treating the stress & tensions of life.


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