🤫 🤫 The Secret to Losing Weight & Never Finding it Again! 🤫 🤫

Uncategorized Jul 13, 2020

"Hi, everyone! I am Coach Crystal"

"And I am Coach Nelson"

"...and oh so passionate about that. I'm the owner of R3volvelife"

"And I am also one of the owners of R3volvelife also, and her husband, of course..."

"...and my cook and my driver... He's everything"

"So welcome, guys,! This is the first #mindshiftmonday, and so we are super excited to share with you the secret to not only losing the weight but keeping it off for good."

"And it's very, uh, it's very, very, very integral to our program with R3volvelife. Our exclusive body transformation mind and body transformation program is called r3act, and we have three pillars in our program, and the first pillar is we renew your mind with Mindshift Coaching and what does that mean? And I just dropped a hint as to what is the secret to actually keeping the weight off for good."

"It's right in between your.... In between, coach nelson's head. It's your mindset, it's your mindset, and you want to share why we're so passionate about mindset & our experience with how mindset has completely transformed your life."

"Yeah, absolutely so #mindshiftmonday is all about the mindset, and the reason why we're so passionate and mindset is so integral in one's transformation, especially in weight loss, is because, you know, like anything else through good through bad, uh, through hard times and good times. You know, the mindset is what is going to allow and get you through certain situations, events, circumstances, um, you know, on good and bad days, to be honest with you, because weight loss isn't an easy thing to do."

"There is. There's so many excuses that we have and so many reasons that we have not to, um, put ourselves first, put our health first."

"And in order to get that right, we have to make sure that, you know, first and foremost like how's your head in here? How is our excuses stopping us? How are what we call our "sin natures" preventing us from putting ourselves first and putting our health first?"

"Well, our sin natures or what I like to call our "a. N. T. S" our "automatic negative thoughts" they, um, sounds like procrastination, laziness, unworthy, self sabotage, emotional eating."

"So all of those excuses, all of those "sin natures" all of those "a. N. T. S. " they live in our head. And so we what we do with the mindset coaching portion of our program is that we put a spotlight on those sin natures because they've been renting space in your head for a really long time. And it's and it's about time to kick them out."

"Because if you don't even if you are on a weight loss journey the moment you whether you hit your goal or you start seeing some results, that's when they kick in full force because they sound like oh, "look at that.... You've lost your first 5, 10, 50, 100 lbs. , you know what relax today? Put your feet up!"

"You know, you know, skip your workout today. " So the where the real work is, it's not losing the weight."

"It's keeping it off for good. And that's where the mindset kicks in. That's where you know, you really have to focus on those excuses, those sin natures that we talk about in our program, and I was hoping that you would actually share when you went through something personal in your life, and the reason why we became certified mindset specialists is because we actually, firstly used the program to get us through a really hard time in our life."

"Did you want to briefly tell them about that?"

"Yeah, absolutely. So, through our own personal situation and personally, my own self, I went through a mental illness issue."

"I went through some anxiety and then which led into depression and not to get, you know, into it because, you know, there will be another time and moment for me, toe actually share that with you. And these are things that I share, actually intimately within our r3actors and within our group."

"But it is something like mental illness that can definitely do a number on your ah, health, on your career, on where you are in life, your relationships your relationships, absolutely. And, um, and when I went through my mental illness, it was tough."

"It was really, really hard. And, um, that's when a lot of negative thoughts, you know, came about and just trying to understand, like, what were these thoughts and how these thoughts were, you know, affecting me, affecting my relationships, affecting my life."

"And now that I look back at it, um, a huge part of my healing a huge part of my therapy and getting you know, and beating mental illness was focusing on, um, my mindset."

"And I absolutely needed a coach. Coaches need coaches. And back then, you know, um, you know, I went through the, you know, the traditional channels of, you know, making sure that I was seeking help from professionals from my psychiatrist, a psychologist, right? And absolutely those are things that you have to do, especially if you're going through mental illness. But it was, um, afterwards, where my healing and therapy started."

"Progressing in the right direction was, you know, Coach Crystal had introduced me to a coach of hers. A mindset coach. And, you know, one day she said, hey, like, you should probably, you know, talk to this particular mentor of mine and coach and, um, and possibly see if there's something that you will connect with within this program, right?"

"And so you know what? That in itself was a huge, huge leap of faith that I was, you know, that I needed to do and, um, you know, and I did it in."

"Yeah, and this is the thing. So we have first hand experience of how the mindset can truly transform you. And I mean, yes, we focus on weight loss, but we completely understand that all of those sin natures, all of those excuses that depending if you are stuck in that negative mindset, it can lead to depression, to anxiety, to weight gain, too. You know, self sabotage to emotional eating. And this is why we are so passionate about mindset is because we actually went through, you know, a coaching process where we really focused on the mindset really created an awareness around those sin natures around those excuses around those automatic negative thoughts."

"And through that program, we learned how to stop them because they would go from 0 to 100. But what we learned how to stop them at 10 kilometers. And this is the same thing for our members."

"You know, if you are already overeating, if you're emotional eating because you're bored, because you're sad ,because your stressed, because you're angry, that is a clear, telltale sign that your excuses, those automatic negative thoughts ,those sin natures went from 0 to 100."

"Because once you do that, what happens after you self sabotage or overeat. It starts with a "G" you feel..... Another sin nature, which is guilt."

"And so, you know, we're ,we're really well aware it takes more than just a diet plan. It takes more than just working out to really and completely and truly sustain ah, transformation. And it it begins. And it continues with the mindset."

"And that is the secret focusing on the mindset, focusing on those sin natures, creating an awareness first and foremost around those negative thoughts that have been chaining you for all these years breaking those chains, learning what the triggers are learning how to stop them when they start when they're triggered."

"That is how you keep the weight off for good. And so there you go. Thank you guys so much. This was our very first #mindshiftmonday. We will be on, or perhaps you or i. There might be a combination of both of us or one of us to come on, and we'll dive deeper with the mind set on teaching you guys some of the tricks and tips and tools that we teach. There are program and, you know, hopefully you can apply for yourself if you are looking to not only lose the weight but get off that weight loss roller coaster. If you're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and if you want to lose the weight and never find it again, you have to understand it's more than a diet."

"It's more than workouts. It's all about the mindset. Absolutely. We will see you next time on #mindshiftmonday with "The Mallari's"."

"Alright, guys, have a good night."


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