Guest Expert - Yolanda Castello


Hi everyone welcome welcome welcome to the get crystallized show. I am so excited because today I have a special guest, an E. F. T.

Expert Yolanda with us. now listen, if you were new to R3 let me just quickly introduce myself. welcome. my name is coach crystal. I know we've had a couple of ladies join us recently.

I'm the CEO of our three evolution fitness and the creator of the revolve life method, which is a mind-body transformation and personal development coaching program. and it is our passion here at r three to help women just like you break self-sabotage barriers so that you can create a healthy lifestyle that you love and love the skin that you're in.

And one of the things that you know we value and we understand is that as women, especially working moms, you know, we deal with daily stress anxiety, let alone you know for all my mom's out there, God bless you, who are you know, doing the online schooling with your kids, there's just these added stressors.

And then, of course, we were throwing this whole pandemic and so we've been really dealing with an abundant amount of stress and anxiety and so I am so excited to bring here my friend colleague tapping expert Yolanda who's gonna teach us what exactly. e. f. t. I know there are a handful of women you can share your expertise with. and it was mind-blowing the changes that I personally experience just from your miniature workshops. so I would love for you just to share a little bit about yourself Yolanda, your background, and what e. f. t. is.

Yes, so I am a master's of science, and the master’s of science bid is actually a master's of science in finance because in my prior life as I used to call it often I was in finance. I was a banker for 10 years for the biggest bank in the world at the time city and at the time, of course, I wasn't a mom, I was very dedicated, very busy, very, it is very bad like so many people are but then I took a break just well literally I was on maternity and while I was on maternity I started looking at stress relief techniques because I needed it so much and so did well everyone I knew really and of course, I started using this technique and it helped me so much and it helped everyone I used it with which at the time was only my family, my friends, my baby, when I got my baby to sleep with this, I thought I am onto something here and of course still fully intending to go back to finance.

I hadn't realized the power of the tool I had in my hand and then you know life happens doesn't it crystal? and there was a day when another month was just telling me at the school gate how her little girl had yet another fainting from an extreme phobia that she suffered.

And of course, me being training topping which was initially created to clear phobias. I said to her look, I know this technique. would you like to try it out?

And when I tried when she tried it out I didn't need to try it out. but when she tried it out, this child kept fainting every time she even saw the object of a phobia in a little storybook at school.

You know the fight or flight reaction is in an actual hard fight. flight oh outright. so faint. really? this porch I kept fainting.

And so we made it into a play date two half hours and she's never fainted again. this was had a new seven or eight years ago. so this good lady took it upon herself to tell absolutely everyone. and before I knew people were calling me and before I knew it I had a business using this tool which is so fascinating in which I’m about to define for you and which really has helped so many people including myself.

So I suppose to the beat that says, you know what is e.f.t it stands for emotional freedom technique. also known as stopping. and it's an acupuncture-based technique and I insist on the world technique because there is no belief system behind it.

It's like a massage. it's a physical intervention. so it's a technique whereby people themselves self-administered, stimulate acupuncture points as they focus on a given feeling that is unpleasant.

So say the feeling of fear or the feeling of upset or the feeling of, I don't know of anger or whatever it might be that they've got going on or stress or anxiety, which are the most common ones of course, and as you stimulate your acupuncture points, this is proven by very well based science to do 2 main things among many others, decrease hugely.

The cortisol levels your stress hormone while reducing blood flow again hugely to the amygdala, which is the part of your brain that keeps you kicks off and keeps you in fight or flight in this stress response.

So that's how I got into it and that's the basics of it. I love that. I personally, I’m a fan of acupuncture, I’ve always for all types of stresses from carpal tunnel headaches, you know, all of the things and so, and what I love is like you just briefly demonstrated you don't need Beatles, you don’t need any Beatles needle.

It's quite funny because so many people come to me with a phobia of needles. After all, this was the bread and butter of it are psychological issues like phobias, fears, stress, overwhelm anxiety.

So you would not believe I’ve had nurses. can you imagine being a nurse and having a fear of needles and being injecting people all day? I’ve had several nurses with the fear of needles and then for the record, I don't like to over-promise. but even the research shows that in actual fact phobias are often clear in one session, wow, now we're talking a lot about fears. and one of the things that I hear a lot within our ladies is that not necessarily that it's fearful, but rather there is a battle when it comes to sugar cravings as an example and because we know that food is an emotional regulator, so it's the easiest thing to calm down anxiety, to calm down fear, to calm down worry and stress.

So how we pivot and maybe use this technique instead of food and when I say food, it's typically, you know, the unhealthy processed high sugar food because it's such a quick band-aid fix of course, can we use this technique or someone who you know is, is gravitates towards food to cook with loneliness, anxiety, depression, fear and or stress or whatever it might be. excellent. excellent question. crystal, thank you so much.

The truth is we even have proper academic research showing how immensely effective topping is at clearing cravings. so we know we know it works and I’m going to show you how essentially if you want we could do a demo, but what it would involve would be first of all acknowledging that you're not eating out of hunger.

That you know, we all do it, we grab the biscuits, we grab whatever it is and we didn't we yeah, ice cream c and buttery bread.

We all do it. and then the first step is to acknowledge that you're grabbing the buttery bread all the ice cream because of an emotion. so so there would be two levels.

The first level would be to tap on the craving and clear it. which in itself is goodness me! round of applause if you move away from the ice cream and off you go, right, and that is amazing.

But the second deeper level would be to think, okay, what's the emotion behind this craving? why do I keep getting these cravings? am I stressed out?

I am disappointed and my son and my overwhelmed and then you tap on that. you clear away the disappointment, the feeling of stress, the feeling of inability to cope, overwhelmed whatever it might be.

And then that's when the cravings don't even come, wow. okay. so if, for example, for me personally, I know that I will use eating ice cream at the end of the day as an example because I want to reward myself.

Exactly. so how can you maybe do a little quick demo of those two? is it to first deal with saying no to the ice cream and then really the reward? yeah. and then, and then thinking, okay, well why do I need a reward? and what is going on here?

And can everyone myself in a healthier way? right. so of course, it really we will do a quick demo in 30 seconds. but it really all goes back to, you know, why are you eating this ice cream?

Get rid of the craving and if you can see what's behind it, then tap on that. so say you're on your way to the ice cream. I always say to people, even if you're already on your way to the rescript in, even if you grant the biscuit, even if you, even if you're putting in your mouth, even if you've taken a bite, nobody can stop you from putting it down and doing a bit of topping.

And if you tap before you put it in your mouth, you probably wanted it. and this is how you would go about it. I’m going to show you the acupuncture points first, so first its side of the hand, top of the head, eyebrow, where the eyebrows begin outside the eye, on the bony bit under the eye, on the bony meat, under the nose, chin point where Chris’s collarbone and under the arm, sort of brushed wrapped hide under the armpit nipple level.

You could say, okay, the oldest points are more like an area because technically speaking at the endpoint of a whole acupuncture channel, so you don't need to worry about getting it wrong.

If you use two fingers, you'll cut it for sure. so those are the points will use. and the protocol is always on the phone. even though I’ve got this problem, I accept myself anyway.

You do that three times and then find out summary centers and go over the other points. so say you're a new way to the ice cream, you start topping and you quickly go, even though I really want this ice cream, I accept myself anyway.

Even though I have this craving, I accept myself anyway. even though I’ve got this craving for ice cream and it really looks like there is absolutely nothing else in the world I can do right now other than keep walking and have that ice cream.

I accept myself anyway. the more detailed the better than after those three sets of statements on the side of the hand. either hand, it doesn't matter if you're getting confused with what side of the hand.

This is a good shortcut palm up to the sky and then you can't go wrong okay. even though I've got this craving I accept myself anyway three times is enough. yeah.

Make a detail and then go to the summary sentence. this craving, this craving for ice cream, that's brief enough.

This craving for ice cream. I am really craving this craving for ice cream. this craving since I won't be around.

It's easier to keep it simple. this craving focuses on the feeling and keeps tapping this craving. this craving all this craving looks like the ice cream is the boss.

I really am craving this. I have to have it. it is the boss. and after a couple of rounds and maybe 3 maximum you might start saying or is it really the boss who decides here whether I eat ice cream?

Maybe I've got some power in this. and just as you're topping. even if you just keep it simple and keep going. this ice cream.

This craving is this ice cream craving. even if you just keep going. making it very simple for you. you will notice the intensity, European.

Mm-hmm. but you could ask yourself, is it really the boss? maybe I’ll choose to decide for myself. maybe I am the boss. I am the boss.

I am the boss. I choose to realize I am the boss. I choose to realize that if I want to eat this ice cream, I this ice cream because I won't do not because I have to.

Well good. I am the boss. if I decide to have a couple of spoonfuls, that's a different matter. I would recommend trying not to start because then the addictive part of your brain kicks in if you're starting to in that sugar.

So it's better if you can do not even have a bit. but if you have to have a bit, have a bit but have a bit because you want to have a bit not because you have to have the entire trump or the 12 biscuits in the box in the pocket or the whole chocolate bar or whatever it might be.

So once you choose to be the boss, I choose to let go of this craving. I am the boss. I have the power and just take it to take a little break. the body breath perhaps.

Yeah. just check again how intense is the craving? I would be surprised if he hasn't gone down. I often use it as my chart and I’m sorry I don't have it here but it just shows from zero to them. you know how bad is it giving a number be objective, keep it down to earth, and be honest.

How much do I want this ice cream I still wanted but it's only a six. it's no longer attend. ah if something can go from then to six it can go from 61.

Yes and then you're out of the kitchen. yes. what's the next thing? right. something. so that would be all that you shared, shared Yolanda. something really powerful that I just want to highlight.

Is that because I know a lot of women who say to me, oh I just it overcame me. it wasn't me anymore. I became this monster this like cookie monster, this ice cream monster.

I inhaled the bag of chips and the next thing you know I didn't even know that I had the whole bag and you're and what I love is that you said okay um you want you to move from the ice cream being the boss to wait a minute. maybe I’m the boss to I am the boss.

That is a big transition in like five minutes. exactly that and it can happen faster than that. it can literally happen available a. d. d. w. just to give you more color of why we're doing it because there will be people watching that have never done this and don't know what I’m talking about.

So that's absolutely fine. there's so much that I don't know about but so I like to put a bit of color in but it can be as brief as standing there thinking right I’m just gonna tap on this craving and literally if you can remember nothing else just feel the feeling and do the tapping literally stand there thinking this craving, this craving, this craving, this craving describing even simple. even if you can't remember the wonderful progression from the ice cream is the most. maybe I’m the most I am the most if you can't remember all that at least up because that will remind you that in actual fact you are the most, you know what I would even uh you know, for those I know there's a lot of women here who, that is a daily temptation. It’s almost even writing it on a card and put on your fridge or where the biscuits live in your coverage and put that just that right boss.

You know me and then two, I am the boss cravings, ice cream is boss, I am the boss. and just those three statements and just half away.

Yeah. and just step away just about if they know that's where the thing is and they know that's how they normally feel, even reminding them that who's the boss here, right? And then of course the next, the first, you know the urgency is to get rid of the craving.

But the second level would be to ask yourself, you know, what was I feeling when I was so the spread, what did I want to stuff down with ice cream and then and then, you know, if you get anything there that is severe, anything with the word severe, please don't up on your own because you could get very emotional, you could get yourself in a slight state and you know, a practitioner is trained to keep you safe and who gets you out of the state.

But if it's not something that's got the word severe, if it's just I’m stressed, I’ve got too much to do, I’m fed up with the teenager grumpiness, whatever, whatever with the balls with whatever is going on or all of the above.

Then then, you know, that's where you go, even though I’m so stressed and stressed. I accept myself anyway, even though I’m so stressed, I accept myself anyway, even though I’ve got too much on and I really don't know how I’m going to go about getting all of it. don't I accept myself anyway, so then you can go summaries and it's all the stress, all the stress, all the stress and a bit like with the ice cream, you're acknowledging you're feeling you're giving it a voice, it's the first step in psychology, this is really psychology mix with acupressure.

So all these trends you're acknowledging the feeling, giving it a voice. another trick that helps is if there's a bit of your body that's feeling it particularly.

Yes, they focus on it. like when we did in the workshop and you noticed something clear enough physical acts. yes, remember so if there's a bit of your body that was particularly stressed, a tight stomach and tight chest, you know tight shoulders, they're very common.

Then even though my shoulders are stressed these stressed shoulders when you go for the summary you might say this tense stomach, this nervous stomach and just keep repeating, keep repeating.

But if you can't find a physical part of you that can rather feel it you could go over more or less the same progression that we did with the ice cream. right? maybe maybe I can have all the sound but feel calmer.

Yes and sometimes that's all you need. you still got everything on was if you're kind you cool to get through it to get on with it. right? so maybe I can be okay.

Yes, maybe I can get through this day. maybe I can get through that difficult meeting whatever it might be that you know it's not going great or that you're nervous amount okay?

And then after a couple of rounds naturally it'll start to make sense to think actually I can do this. and then and then the last thing that I love that you add is hard on your chest, your heart, yeah. on your hand, on your stomach, reading your diagram to kind of check-in, and then did it move from 10?

Yeah. now, exactly. that's what you do. Do you keep asking yourself? okay, how about is it right now? oh, hang on.

So this feeling of stress because remember we've removed the craving by now or maybe it could be that, you know, you've gone down to a five or six but actually, you're no longer focusing that much on that craving. and you're really feeling the sadness, the stress that whatever these days with everything that's happening in the world, heavens, you know, I’ve just had a relative passed away from covid, you know?

So sometimes above everything else, you're going to have one feeling that is taking over, right? so and sometimes tapping very often has a way of bringing it up. so you might think that you're just starting edgy, right? and you do a couple of rounds of tapping and actually the engine is clearing and you can see if we call it, you know, peeling the onion and you can see very clearly that actually you're just very sad or actually, you're just very worried about the next project and when that edge comes off, it's so evident that that's the next place to go.

But always remember to keep yourself safe and to take responsibility for your own well-being. and if there, if there is anything like the word seven-year in what you've got going on, don't do this on your own.

Just tap away from the edge. Top away from the symptom, the edginess, the nerves, the anxiety and don't go anywhere else.

Great. great. actually, I would love and I want to be respectful of your time. I know you've got another appointment to go off to.

Where can our women, I know that you have a Facebook group. I’m going to actually add it in the copy, but for the women to join your group because I know you are so much value into that group and feel uh you know, you teach again how to deal with the day to day anxiety and stress is so where can we find you already?

Yes, my, my Facebook group is called freedom from stress, and then in brackets is called FFS. I know because it's a slightly strange abbreviation and so people can find me there. I will drop you a link in the comments anyway, so people can just hit it and in there, there's already a lot of videos on, literally how to the tapping on various matters on, on procrastination, on motivating yourself to exercise on, of course, fears, anxiety, stress, covid anxiety when you need to pick me up, all sorts of things that you will probably find useful, so feel free to either just have a look at top it better online.

But I’m, I’m on linked in as well. I’m Yolanda Saez Castello in linked in, but you can, you can just join my Facebook group, which is the easiest way to literally go in the guides and find exactly what you're feeling and clearly there and then perfect. I know that I’m going to make this a regular practice.

I've already experienced how quick and awesome and life-changing it can be just this practice and so I want to thank you so much for caring. it was, it was insightful.

And I know a lot of our women like I said they have a lot of anxieties and stresses and they use food to kind of cope with it. so I’m hoping I would love to hear um you know, for you ladies, if you practice this, put in the comment box below, let us know. did you try, you know, did you absolutely tonight when you typically grab that whatever may be in a glass of wine? those chicks, did you actually like this practice? use it, use it.

And of course for cravings is absolutely wonderful. but you know, you can incorporate it into your daily routines. yeah, I never get out of bed without tapping for five minutes.

I literally look at the clock, top 45 minutes on. whatever is coming to my mind because that's what obviously is making me a bit worried talk for five minutes and then get out of bed and as a private routine it's wonderful.

It actually increases the plea. and we all, that's what we all need. greece's deep sleep. so you wake up usually better and you wake up feeling pressure which we all need as well.

Obviously, I am definitely going to highly recommend including tapping ladies in your morning and evening rituals. we talk about morning in the world and I’m definitely going to include that when we're inside your group. we can also find that particular tapping routine. absolutely. and if there's anything that you'd like that isn't that drop me a message because I do what I do in that group is every Tuesday I do a quick life well 10-15 minutes.

And where I address what people have been emailing me about, texting me about. and I do a life where I top on that, you can say anything, you can't find that. drop me a direct message and I’ll do it for you.

I have no amazing girls. Oh, that sounds wonderful. so we put the group in the comment box and once we're all done here, I’ll also add it in the copy.

Um so you want to thank you, thank you so much for your time for your wealth of knowledge, for this um this kind of practice and technique that really can change women's lives and really help them great to have a tajin barrier. so thank you. thank you so much.

Again, put any comments, make sure you join Yolanda’s group and we will see you guys next Friday. once again for the get crystallized show. have an amazing date.

Have a great weekend as well. bye-bye. thank you.


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