Cranberry Oatmeal Blender Pancakes

#tastytuesday Nov 08, 2021

Hey guys, during thanksgiving we always eat seasonal foods only during dinner time, however what happened to enjoying a nice thanksgiving breakfast? Here's a thanksgiving twist on pancakes that will start off your holiday season just right!


  • 3/4 cup rolled oats (60g)
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour (or all-purpose or Bob’s gluten-free) (125g)
  • (CCK Note: Vitamix’s recipe does not call for this, but I’d recommend adding a pinch stevia or 2 tbsp sugar of choice)
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 cups milk of choice (360ml)
  • 1/4 cup dried cranberries (30g)
  • 2 tbsp raw sunflower seeds (15g)


Combine the first 5 ingredients in a mixing bowl, and stir. (A trick for even fluffier pancakes: combine the first 5 ingredients in a Vitamix or blender instead of a mixing bowl, and blend for 20 seconds.) Stir in remaining ingredients to form a pancake batter. While waiting 5-10 minutes for the batter to set, lightly grease a medium skillet. Place the skillet over medium heat. When the pan is hot, drop small ladelfuls of pancake batter onto the skillet. Flip pancakes, using a spatula, when the pancake edges begin to look dry. Allow to cook one additional minute, then remove from the heat. Serve with your favorite pancake toppings. Yield: 10-12 pancakes. Thanks again to Vitamix for providing this pancake recipe.


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