Tracy's Transformation

#r3transformation Dec 09, 2021

Hi everyone, it's coach Crystal, and welcome to our bonus session. I am so excited to introduce my last guest and for those of you who are super brand new and maybe you've been um just let in into the ladies get fit, you still have an opportunity to catch up on everything that has happened um since this past week since the whoop workshop has begun.

So if you are new and you signed up for the whoop workshop um in the units tab every single lesson that I have taught since last, this past Monday is in there, so you have still a few days to binge watch and I know you all can do that, you come on, you know you have binge watch something on Netflix and this series, the whoop workshop is definitely worth binging. We have everything from mindset coaching lessons to amazing testimonials to our, we've had three classes as well and just a reminder the classes I'm going to be teaching tomorrow morning at 9:30. We changed the date a little bit.

We change the time, sorry, a little bit so that, um, I was, I was getting some feedback from all you moms out there. You know, you just got to get send your kids off to school or get them all set up online and you wanted to take part.

So we moved it just a little bit later to 9:30. Hi, hoda. Um, so that is available to you tomorrow morning. I will be teaching anything, but at 9:30 a. M. Eastern standard time where we're gonna lift, sculpt, and tone the booty. Your assets will thank me later. And so just a reminder again that everything will be taken down okay Wednesday 2 P.M.

Everything will be taken down. So you have until Wednesday at 2 p. M. Eastern standard time to binge-watch all of the mindset, coaching videos to try to get in some of your workouts. We had coach nelson and I, we taught to hit and sculpt on Saturday morning, which is basically a 40-minute toning class that combines, hit training, high-intensity interval training with weights as well as we had our three coaches, coach Janae, coach Leen, and coach Rosaria.

They taught a kickboxing, kickboxing, and boxer size fusion this morning, I taught a pilates fusion class and we focus on core and outer size so there is still an opportunity to catch up. So they're all going to be, the classes are going to be stored in the units tab under unit number five. Okay, so you have a couple of days to catch up.

So we've got nav is here. Sherry's here. Awesome. Welcome. Welcome. Now you need to accept stream yard, you need to click on that link that way we can see your username and profile and we can see who you're, who we're talking to. So there's someone here that says Facebook user. I don't know who you are, you gotta accept stream yard.

And I really, we, we really want you guys to be engaged. Um, you know, show some love to Tracy and any questions you guys might have and any comments we want to see who's talking to us. So you have to click on that link to accept stream yard and that way your profile picture will show it was the fire.

I'm assuming you're talking about your belly and thighs. Is that what you're talking about? Hoda? If your thighs and core were on fire, then you were doing the right thing because at r3 we hashtag love the burn, right? We love the burn. Good guys.

Welcome. Welcome! Welcome. So now without further ado, this woman is honestly I just I mean all my guests are but I I am so proud of this lady because when she took a picture of herself in a bikini in a bikini, you guys and and and shared it with me, I felt like I was, it was like I was watching my child go to prom you know you know that feeling when they come down the stairs and like they're all grown up and you're just like that's how I felt when I saw her picture this beautiful woman wearing a bikini feeling strong and confident because I remember the woman who sat across from me at that consultation table and I remember I remember how she spoke, how she felt and to see her go from that to how she is now it is absolutely mind-blowing. So hi Sharon, Hi Janae!

So without further ado guys, please throw up some fire, throw up a round of applause and some hearts to my guest Tracy. Hi, hi, oh I am so so happy you are here. I just, yeah, honestly when you, when you sent me that picture with all the cuts in your arms, I remember just like oh my gosh I felt like a proud mama so I was just saying to everyone, you know, I remember you remember that day when we first how you felt and where you were. I would love for you to start with sharing before you came to our three. What was, what was it like?

How was your life like? Um uh, and how did you feel about yourself before you you joined r3? You know, I think the best way I can describe, I was desperate. I was desperately looking for something. I needed something.

I knew that I had to change my ways. I had to change who I was. I needed something. And I would see people exercising on the street, you know, running down the street. I'm like, oh, I should start running again.

Or I would see, you know, different people talking about fitness on Facebook and I'm like, I need something. And how I came to be with our three was a friend of mine, a neighbor in my neighborhood actually said, hey, I'm going to try this little black dress challenge.

You want to try and like, what is this? I don't know. Let's go to the information sessions. Okay. And that was where we met and I just felt right off the hop like your questions were tough. I mean you were, you were tough, even right from the beginning, like, drilling down to my wife and I felt very on the spot and I felt like, oh my god, oh, this is scary.

But at the same time when I came out of there and after that conversation, I just, knew that R3 was what I needed, I think you were what I needed. You were the inspiration. It was, it was, it was very self-reflective like I walked out of there and it made me really think about who I am and where I want to go, and what I want to do.

Um, and it felt like a safe environment. Um really, like, I just felt right, supported right off the hop and I knew that this was going to be the place for me. So, so before then did you try, did you try anything? Like what have you done? Yeah. Oh, I did a south speech, I did the cabbage soup diet.

I got a gym membership at a good life and I even got a trainer and that didn't last long. Um, and you know, I didn't stick with it, I didn't like, it was like you said the other day and I think it might have been even a nada or Michelle’s interview where you said, you know, they don't care, they just want to take your money and so she didn't care if I showed up or not. It was no skin off her notes because they just wanted my money.

Um so I've tried that, I've tried different kinds of diets. I've tried, I even took up running and had some mild success with running. Um but nothing really like, I just, I couldn't find that magic thing. I would lose 10 lbs. 15 I think was the most I ever lost, and I thought that was successful.

Um but yeah, it's it was just, I've tried so many different things and I just couldn't get anything to stick. And so with the, you know, the first pillar of R3 is the mindset, and I remember you distinctly saying like you realize that was the missing link already.

Yeah. Oh yeah, 100%. And you know, I was scared, like I really, I was terrified the first mindset coaching call and I didn't know what to expect and um you know, and we went through, you know, drilling down in my wise and then talking about why I was here and then I walked away from that and I did the exercises and, you know, it was really um oh wow, like the mindset, I can't begin to tell you what the coaching, the mindset coaching has done for me um I just, it's changed the way I think it's changed the way I think others think of me um I used to worry a lot about what people thought of me, I would probably spend more time worrying about that and how I should react um but through coaching and through doing growth work in journaling and still journaling every day, um I make time in the morning now to do that um when I'm having my coffee and you know, there are days to that what I'm journaling, I'll cry, I still do, you know, even just talking about, you know, just writing down my thoughts from the day before and stuff like that.

Um but I find for me it helps to just clear everything out and then I start fresh for the new day um and it's really helped, especially I think, you know, during covid mindset coaching is really um played a part because it's been scary, it's been you know, work has changed for me and I feel now I'm working more than I ever was, which is kind of strange.

Um but I find that time in the morning to just journal and kind of get my thoughts on paper, it helps to release a lot of, you know, the stress and anxiety I might have about covid work, my family, and how we're all doing those vests and I would love for you if you don't mind sharing.

So at the very beginning when we started introducing peeling the layers back, putting a spotlight onto your sin natures, those are automatic negative thoughts. And I remember like like everyone has shared tears were shed but and yeah like you know the ladies who are like what is mindset coaching?

What is life coaching? Yeah, there is a sense of being vulnerable but I mean I would love for you to share like once you kind of you know tore down that wall and exposed. Yeah, these are the voices that are currently in my head, what did that do for you to really create awareness around those excuses and those 10 nature's so I could see them coming, I could see them coming.

Um, I knew right away like you know, um when procrastination can me and I know that doesn't, that doesn't rhyme but that's what I named her. Yeah, I could feel her coming and I would identify it right off the hop because of that growth working and looking at the different things that triggered me and triggered my behavior and I would stop her in her tracks and I stopped her in her tracks now.

Um you know, or even anxiety Anne um you know, I get a lot of anxiety, I stopped her, I won't let her get to me because she does nothing good for me. She is a nasty little devil that’s on my shoulder. So I think with being able to peel back the layers and understanding what those triggers are and what those triggers are due to me and emotionally what they are to me, right? You know, emotionally, they might make me cry, they might make me angry, they might make me eat um you know, and finding comfort in just having that food because I didn't know how else to release, you know, the anxiety or the stress or the procrastination, like procrastination, you know, that starts and then the anxiety starts afterward because I'm procrastinated.

You know, it's just a vicious cycle, right? So it's stopping these triggers and identifying them right from the beginning. So they don't get you to that point. 100%. And you nailed it is that no one will trigger another. And so, you know, I know there are a lot of ladies throughout the whoop they would share as you know, the various, um whether it be procrastination, hesitation, laziness, emotional eating.

And the thing is because they haven't put that awareness around it. There are the natures that are going from 0 to 100 where you're able to stop them immediately. And I mean now, um you know how is it aside from the weight loss, how is it that you mentioned that it helps you get through covid.

Um, now that you have your you have a full arsenal of tools when those sin nature's try to try to come in because the whole point is that and why so many women, they are unable to get off the weight-loss roller coaster is because they do something they do well and they start losing the weight.

But it's those sin natures that kick in and they'll either be like, look at you 1st, 10 lbs. Congratulations. Then why don't you just skip this workout or you know what? Do you deserve a break? Why don't you have that glass of wine? Put your feet up, right. It's funny how they play these tricks in our minds and next thing, you know, they're running rampant again.

So how have you been able to keep them at bay? You mentioned journaling. What, what else do you do? I mentioned journaling and you know what's big for me. I go back to my why. I always go back to my why and when it really boiled down for me, you know, and it's funny because I've seen this word a couple of times over interviews.

So I think it resonates with a couple of freedom and you know, that's part of my I am statement 100 free. I'm confident I'm strong free. I'm free from all of those negative thoughts. I'm free from, you know what I thought people thought of me, I'm just I found freedom. And I think, you know, I always go back to my wife always, always, always and I think, you know, I lost the 50 lbs you know, even before last year ended and I've been able to maintain that.

And that's because up here, I always go back to my I am statement and then journaling to just release everything from the day before the night before and just start my day fresh. And that has really been helpful to me. And I think now I just like uh this is it, this is who I am.

You know, I don't call the diet, I eat differently now. I'm mindful of what I put into my body. I enjoy exercise forward to exercise. You're a runner now. I'm planning out for the first time. I actually, I feel like I really, I am a runner, you know are like my husband used to say a couple of years ago, oh you are a runner.

And I'm like, I don't know, I feel like an elephant running in uh peanut butter now. Um, I really do feel like I'm a runner and I challenge myself, even more, you know? So yeah, I feel this is who I am now. 100%. And you know when you for when we had that conversation um and if this goes with every you know woman that I meet, I already I saw you how you are now, then I know you did like 100%.

Because you I could tell that you are ready, you were ready and you laid out some key points is that through R3 we're gonna teach you tools because I don't even care about the weight loss. I really don't. I care about the transport information in your mind and losing the way.

Yes, but keeping it off for good. Mhm. And you know, it's sorry, it's funny you say that crystal because honestly, I agree. I think for me when the weight really started to come off, it wasn't in the beginning and you know the 21-day sugar detox.

Yeah, you lose some weight from that and the exercise and I was losing weight. But I think when it really came off was when I really came to that place in my mind and I really figured out what was my triggers, why have I been like this all my life, what has been holding me back? And then all of a sudden it was almost as crazy as it sounds, it felt effortless.

Like I’m not even making it like it really did. Like I know that sounds crazy, but it felt effortless and I thought, okay, I, I've gotten over that big hurdle. Everything else is easy. Yeah, the poop I can do that. Yes, exactly. Yeah. I mean, you know everything just falls into place.

It is like a little puzzle and it just falls into place nicely and you like honestly this is why I am so happy for you to be able to share this because it's one thing as a mentor and coach to teach this. After all, I've seen it, I've seen it, I've witnessed it, you know where it really truly starts with the mindset because once you've gotta hold on this like you said everything else the nutrition will come.

Like it just makes sense. Yeah, everything just makes sense. You love working out, you love how it makes you feel, it becomes a part of your lifestyle. You know, you miss it when you don't work out, and as you said, we don't teach like a diet, we teach mindfulness in terms of your eating. Yeah, it's and which means it's sustainable where you know, there are a lot of diets out there that are really when you think about long term there's no way yeah, there's no way.

But we've created that mindfulness in you. So you're super aware of what makes you feel good, what makes you what doesn't make your body feel good. Do you know what brings you energy? You know how to stop those excuses before they actually happen like and this is why I am 200% confident the way you are now. This is forever.

I fully like I believe it in my head like and that's how I know it's gonna stick. Like I have no doubt this is where I am forever. And you know when people ask me, you know Tracy, what have you done? What kind of diet have you done? And I say I'm telling you when I tell you it's no special diet, it's not.

Maybe I cut down on the carbs. I didn't do keto. I didn't do anything like that. I cut back on my car because I know for me and it's the portion. I used my hand for every thank you very much for the portable measurement tools. Right? Yeah, true. It's true.

You know, I mean, I didn't do anything special. I, you know, I eat good food and food that is good for you. And, and I'm sure like, you know, it's, it's tough. It's tough to say, you know, because yeah, I'm sure a lot of r3 members like what are you doing? What are you doing? And it's not a diet.

It's not, it's not a gym, it's not like a fitness app. It's, it really, truly is a mindset transformation. It's a mind and body transformational program. And, and it's, it's kind of still like, what do you mean? And you really just have to trust the process and yeah, you're going to be scared at the beginning because you don't really know what to expect. And the thing is that vulnerability when you, when you when you're facing, you know those, those negative thoughts and when you're looking at your inner demons.

Yeah. At first scary. But guess what? After a while you realize you are in control, they're no longer in control of you, right? Yeah. And so, um, you know, we know it's still 50 lbs right? That's still 50 lbs.

Yeah. I kind of like I want to maintain where I'm at, right? Yeah. I think so. I think like I know our goal has moved on to like toning. Yes. So you know, and that's a wonderful goal and um so we're and that's the thing where you're at, your healthy weight.

Yeah. You don't need to lose anymore. You just need to stay and your healthy weight, whether it be two or 3 lbs up for two or 3 lbs down, you're living in that cushion, I'm in the zone, I'm in the zone. In that zone. Yeah, 100%.

And so you're a runner now, you love exercising your mindful with your food. So if, if someone was nervous about joining R3, you know, what would, what would you say, what would you say to them? Like we might have some ladies who are still like on the fence, what would you say to them?

I would say it's okay, it's okay to be nervous. And actually, you know, I think that will help you really? Like, I was really, I know that sounds weird, but I was really nervous, but at the same time, I'm like no, I I just I'm gonna do this, I'm just gonna take the plunge and do it and I promise anybody who decides to take the plunge, you're not going to have any regrets.

And I know there are tons of ladies on here right now, tons of our three tribe members that will say the same thing, as you will seriously not have any regrets, I have never come into a more supportive community, I've made some wonderful friendships um in this community and these ladies inspire me. Like, I think another reason why I've been so successful is that I've truly been inspired by the other members, like, you know, I watch and see their stories um you know now because we're not in class, in Iran zoom, and you see people working out in zoom and you see people giving it and like, okay, pick it up to Tracy, pick up you got to keep going, you know, you know, now, just giving it their all you got to get all that kind of like, I like, but that's how what works for me, like, I feed off of other people and I feed off of the other members and how well they do, and I know I can have that same success to so well they're saying all of them, you need to take out, take a look at these comments because they are saying how you are a huge inspiration and like you said, it's the community, right? Amazing, amazing, supportive community.

And in and now, in these times of uncertainty, we have no idea what's going to happen, what's going to unfold, but there's something um kind of like comforting and grounding and knowing that you can go into the inner circle and then you've got this supportive group of ladies and like not shared yesterday, she just needed to rant and it's a rant and everyone was like, it's okay, you know, we'll pray for you, everything's gonna be okay like it's nice knowing that you have this tribe, right? Oh, and you 100% like I have said things too, you know, and shared things about myself with the other ladies in this tribe that I've not shared with anyone else.

Um and, you know, I've come into this group where, you know, essentially people were strangers and I've shared that, but there was just such an again, my favorite word of freeing uh thing or process about that, about sharing with this group and knowing that nobody was judgmental and right, and people were all supportive.

And I think, you know, some people who said, yeah, me too. And I know when I've been on those coaching calls and people have been telling their stories and I thought my head, yeah, I get you. I'm exactly like that as well.

It's like you're in my head right now, you know, so I think a lot of us have the same kind of feelings, the same aspirations. Um, some of the same struggles, we all have different stories, but our feelings I think are all very similar. And I think that's what binds us. 100%.

There's comfort in knowing you're not alone. Yeah. 100%. Yeah. Not alone. You're not alone. You go to a gym, you're alone, you're alone and you may get a trainer, but that trainer is not there with you, they’re with you for 45 minutes to an hour and you know again you're alone.

Um so it's different here, you're never alone. You always and if you're feeling bummed out or you're feeling like I just don't know if I should work out today. You literally just have to reach out to somebody and they will pick you right back up and motivate you and get you right back on that train again.

It's very it's very inspirational. Like I honestly I can't even tell you how much everybody inspires me that and I told the others about that as well. So you are absolutely right. Like Xena's like truth, right? It's so so true. You're not alone. You've got this amazing support system.

And um yeah there's just it's like a big hug when you know like someone like you said is sharing your like wow I feel the same way I feel and, and, and for that person knowing, okay, good, I'm not the only one that feels this way. Okay, good, right? There's something so comforting in knowing that so we've got the community, um, of course, we have, you know, the nutrition, we have the workouts and there's a variety of workouts too, you're never bored, right? You're never bored.

There is something for everyone and you will find the things you like to do and most times we like to try it all at her three, but you never get bored. You never do be a pilates, you have hit, you have boxer size, you have it all whatever you want to do whatever you want to target the library.

I think that's a nice feature since we've been online now. Um, you can go to the library and just choose whichever workout you feel you might want to do that day. What do you want to target? I just want to share something that says thank you to says Tracy, you're my inspiration.

I wish I can wear a bikini when I'm 50. Uh, you can. Yes, exactly. I mean, I would love for you to share, like, what was it like to actually put that on? Because yeah, how was that experience putting on a bikini? Uh, frightening.

Uh so, you know, I had made that statement a long time ago. You know, ever since I was a teenager, I would, I would say all my life, but when you're a baby, you're not walking around a bikini, but you know, all my life, I've never, ever worn a bikini and when I finally had hit that 50, 50 lbs mark, I thought, you know what, I'm gonna do this, I'm going to wear a bikini.

And then I think I, I verbalized it earlier this year. You did, yeah, and I said, this is what I'm going to do. And you can I think it was a part of your vision board actually. It was on my vision board last year. Yeah.

And then I talked about again earlier in the air and then you know when you were doing the outdoor classes, you're like, when's the bikini pic? I'm waiting? And I'm like, yeah, yeah, it's coming.

So I bought a bikini and even that was frightening, was trying to find the right thing and I didn't even buy one that would come up over my belly. I did not, I'm like, no, we are doing the full bikini and I just decided one day I came home from a fantastic outdoor workout and I think it was the day that I did the crazy workout, that coach Nel todd outside and then I went for a run afterward and I just felt good, so empowered.

I can't even begin to tell you. And I came by the shot, I didn't even dry my hair for heaven's sakes. I looked at that and I thought, no, you know what, I'm putting it on now and I took my son out back and I said, okay, take a picture of mommy and he's like, oh gross, oh, oh, no, no, no. So at first, you know, I did oppose and then I thought, you know what?

No, yes, that's the guns pop. I'm like, hello, welcome to the gun show. Oh my goodness. Like, so that's amazing. The fact you, you know through it on and felt good and strong and confident and have you ever, have you worn like anything like that? Never, never. I mean you know I would say my swimsuit has been pretty conservative.

You know the rushing around the belly previously and all of that. So you know I've been pretty conservative, never worn anything like that. And you know even if it was it was, I have to say it was a shame that I did it towards the end of the summer because the weather did get a little chillier after that and I thought you know what, I did it now.

I could like I could go somewhere and wear this bikini because you know it's comfortable in it. Absolutely you can and I think you know for me that seeing you in that it's more than just the outward transformation. Yeah right. What’s more, I would love for you to say one more time your I am statement, I am free.

I am strong and I am confident and I think that picture displays that I am. That's exactly what I saw when you share that with me. I'm like Tracy is living her dream awake my you know and it's and it's just it's amazing. And it all started though with your willingness to be vulnerable.

It started with you were scared and but you decided no like I am worth the investment and I are worth the time, the money, and energy it's going to take. You were open to the obstacles, you did growth work, you showed up, you allowed yourself to to to cry if need be right and but you were present, you were there, you always give your best and that's all.

Yeah, it was so you know, it was very mind-opening and I and I think if you come into the whole experience with an open mind, you'd be amazed at what you can find in yourself and what you can find you can do. Like I would have, you had to ask me a year ago before joining R3, if I would have ever thought that I would be where I am right now, my answer would have been no, no way, you're crazy, you're crazy.

Um but I came to your point, I came in with an open mind like I was so ready, crystal, I was so ready and in that consultation, as I said earlier, it was scary, but I was ready and I just open your mind, Tracy. Just open your mind, this is gonna be what's gonna work for you. Yes, honestly I am because I, I can distinctly remember that day, I remember looking at you and now looking at you I'm like it just brings me chills because um I knew I knew that you. After all, you are open, you're ready or willing, you were able and you understood you understood the importance of the mindset, and that's a game-changer.

When you understand that it starts with the mind as you said, that would be the domino that knocks everything older over, and then everything else falls into place and it's almost like the body fat melts off because you fixed what was up here. Yeah, right. You really fixed what's up here and I definitely see a free woman, who is strong, and who is confident and it's just, it honestly melts my heart because I know how hard you worked and how hard you continue to work and you are such an inspiration to our tribe.

And I know that you're inspiring all the women that are watching now and all I can say ladies is just jump, jump, take the job, you won't be, you won't be sorry. And it's such a wonderful experience. Like I can't even, um you know what, I do get emotional, you know me, I do start to cry so I'm not, I'm gonna try not to get emotional, but um, you know, it's been a journey and it's, it's been a really wonderful journey.

It's, you know, I've learned a lot about myself and it is all in the mindset. It really is, it really is everything else just falls into place. It really does make me cry because I know what you've done and I know where you've been.

And I remember distinctly every single zoom coaching call that you were just open and a willingness to face your fears and a willingness to face the triggers. And um, and now it's paid off because now you're in control and you are just you're living the R3 life, you're living an R3 life, 100%. Uh you know, I just, want to thank you for being my guest.

Um, thank you for being such an inspiration to the ladies. Um you know, you've got like you got, yes girl from Xena, she's throwing up higher, you've got knobs staying fit and fab at 50, you know, and so you’ve got so much love and support the ladies, um love you so much.

I love you, you are an amazing member of the fit family and a true inspiration to all the ladies that are watching. And I just want to thank you for taking the time to share your story and where you began and where you are now and men like I may be suggesting a fitness competition. I don't know, I'm just saying there's always your bikini already.

I'm not gonna lie when I put on the bikini and I saw the picture and I thought I'd be, I'd just throw on some heels and we're good to go just saying, you know, I've always got a room on the R3 teen, but I honestly, I'm so so proud of you and I just want to honor you and thank you for being here and sharing your story.

You are awesome. And it's been an honor to be a part of your journey. And uh, you know, just to see where you're headed. Oh, and crashing groom there goes your phone. I'm there we go, I'm here, I'm here.

Don't worry, I'm here and Leen and Janae are both like, yeah, go Tracy Tracy for the 2021 stage. We're just planting scheme were just planting the seed. But um yeah, I mean who knows? Who knows? Like the sky's the limit now, right? The sky's the limit for sure.

For sure. It really is. You know, who knows what the future holds. But you know, we're always going to have goals. There's always something to achieve, right? So yes, absolutely.

So thank you again, Tracy, and all my ladies that are here, thank you for watching. And if you watch the rebroadcast, make sure you put replay, throw some Tracy some hearts. Um she'll, you know, comment, later on, she'll take a look at everything that you, these wonderful things that you've said. Um, we really appreciate you, and thank you for taking the time to hear her amazing transformational story and make sure that you guys hop on back onto ladies get fit, I'll be teaching anything but tomorrow at 9:30 A.M. Eastern standard time.

And uh tomorrow night we've got I'm doing a bonus mindset coaching session at 7:30 then I'm gonna have my whole team, the whole R3 team of coaches is gonna come on because believe it or not each single one of them, they were once a member too and they have also amazing stories that I want them to share because they literally have been in your shoes and that's what's also special about R3 is that our coaches have literally walked the talk as well, they all have been a member at one point and their transformation is living proof that anything is possible.

So uh join me tomorrow at 7:30 P.M. Eastern standard time Tracy. Thank you once again, we love you so so much. And um, you have an amazing night. Thank you and thank you for being my coach. Oh, my pleasure. Honestly, my pleasure.

All right, guys, have a good night. Thank you guys so much. We'll see you guys tomorrow.


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