Nicole K's Transformation

#r3transformation Nov 25, 2021

Hi guys, my name is Nicole. I am 47 years young um turning 48 this year. I am a mother of a wonderful little girl. She's eight. I am married. I um you know I have a very busy life as I'm sure many of you do a very busy career. Um you know, doing the whole bay street go go go thing. My daughter is very active in many extracurricular things.

So uh you know I have a very, very busy length and I have for you know over 20 years. But the problem with that is you know, it's really taken a toll. I say on my health, I would look in the mirror and just be disgusted and not want to look and that means now for me it's like I don't want to socialize anymore.

I don't want to um you know, really go out too much. Uh, you know, so it's just really had a really horrible impact. I sit and think about it in all areas of my life, you know? So I know like, I know these people, right? So it's not just somebody on a screen doing a workout.

It's like they're doing it with you. It's like, oh yeah, that's my coach. Like we're doing it together, right? So for me, I think like, that's kind of been the difference. Um, and, and again, like one of the main reasons I joined R3

At this point, as I said, I've tried so many different things Dr. B you guys know, like everybody knows how to lose weight. It's not rocket science calories in calories out there. There are all kinds of noise out there on the internet in particular, right? And TikTok and, you know, the keto and the bulletproof of this and that, and it'll all work, right? But it's not going to work forever and ever and ever, and maybe for some people, it might take them the 20 years it took me to figure that out.

But one of the things with R3 that I'm really enjoying is the fact that it is not actually about weight loss like it is certainly you will lose weight, but the focus is more on education really and getting people to change their habits and get into new healthy habits like that's step one and once you, yeah, once you mastered that, then the rest fall doesn't know where to start because it's just so much out there. This will help you focus and train you first on changing your mindset and building those healthy habits and then again, the rest will follow, right? Like you have to first get yourself into the, into the mindset of like, you know, it's, you know, the food like it's about wanting to get up every day and working out and making a decision every time you put something on your plate or you open your fridge to take the right things out, you know, it's that it's getting into that habit because then once you've mastered that, you can basically actually start to see the effects because you're just making smarter choices and it becomes easier, it's not so much of a chore because nobody wants the problem with programs, sometimes it feels like a chore, it feels like work, it's like you do it because you want a certain result, but it's not sustainable.

And so I was so focused on measuring my success by that scale and I, you know, and look like, you know, my goal is to lose x amount of pounds by this state and I would literally sit there and calculate, okay, so by the summer jeans, you know, 20lbs a month, it's gonna, you know, and I was so focused on it and crystal one day said, I want you to take that scale and I want you to throw it out or the hide it somewhere where you will use it.

And I think I did and I did that and I did it and I said, okay, I'm gonna do, we were doing the little black dress challenge at the time and I'm not even gonna think about it, I'm just gonna do my workouts, I'm gonna do my best to, you know, do my journaling and, and participate in the mind shift coaching and all of that and forget about it for now. And you know what, after the, I think around two months that we were on that challenge, I finally took the scale-out um and I lost 21lbs which is all the ways that I had gained in the eight months or so that we were, you know since covid had started.

So I have a lot left to go. Um for sure. And yes, of course, I want to lose weight. But I am treating this program for me as almost like a degree, right? Like I'm not this isn't just a fact that I'm going to try really, really hard for a couple of months and then whatever, stop or go on to the next thing I'm really trying to treat this is I'm getting a degree in, you know, healthy eating, you know, healthy fitness mindfulness.

These are mindful. That whole mindfulness aspect is something I never really thought was that important. You hear a lot about mindfulness now. Um you know, it's still the part that's the hardest for me because, you know, I do not have such busy lives, right? It's hard to take that time to stop and think to prioritize yourself, but it is something that you have to learn and practice.

And so it's not going to happen in a month, right? So I'm trying trying to think of the end. All right. So this is not, you know, this is not a racist. It's a marathon, right? So I'm my goal.

And one of the reasons I signed up, for example, for the full year is I want to, I want to do this slowly. I want to lose weight slowly and healthily. I want to build healthy habits so that they're not, you know, they replace the old ones.

So that's for me was one of the really big benefits of joining in, sort of why I joined. There's no better time than the present. I wish that I had started R3 earlier when covid hit because I just think I'd be that further along. But you know, it is what it is and I'm, I've learned not to self-sabotage anymore about the past is the past.

Um, I think that right now what I'm trying to do and I would encourage others to do is take advantage of the fact that we're still in this. I mean, it's a horrible situation, but I mean, working from home, if you're fortunate enough to do that does have its advantages in terms of like a program like this where, you know, you can prioritize working out in the morning, you have more time to prepare your meals. Um uh you know, on the weekends too, because like I'm not going out to see friends on the weekend.

Uh and my personal things for me, it's like, you know what, when we do eventually go back to work, wouldn't it be great to go back and be like this new you? Right? So I'm now really trying to take advantage of this unique time that we're in and not sort of using it as an excuse anymore to just like, you know, be stressed out and, and, feeling despair because like, there's nothing we can't change the situation.

So I'm, you know, I'm trying to focus on those things that I can control and change. And that's something that I've learned through R3. So, uh, you know, thanks to the coaches, I, you know, they've been fantastic.

I've never been in a situation where I can truly say that they are, you know, inspiring and really, you know, get to know you and are there when I really need them. I mean that's the other thing with the whole Facebook platform.

You know, if you do true coaching, you spend, it's like you're spending money to see somebody for an hour like once a month or whatever the case is with our coaches. You know, I can shoot a messenger note to crystal and she's gonna respond, I don't know how she does this, she's gonna respond immediately.

Usually, if I have a question about you know, the diet or you know, some supplement I want to try or like sugar uh alternative like she's there all the time to answer my questions and I honestly I've never seen any program that does that. So that's to me, one of the main benefits.

So thanks coaches and thanks to my R3 members who I'm starting to build some great friendships again, still early days. So you know, I'll see you in a year.



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