Lily's Transformation

#r3transformation Nov 11, 2021

Hi everyone, it's coach Crystal, and welcome to the get the crystallized show, also known as coffee talk with coach crystal. And as you can see I have a beautiful guest today and so um I have lily here, we're gonna do a little interview. She is one of our inner circle members. She is enrolled in the r3volvelife method and I wanted to bring her on because um we have one more day left where you have the opportunity to book a discovery call with me and doors close um Saturday at midnight and then we don't reopen our doors until closer to the summer and when we do remember, member fee does go up.

So I wanted to get lily on. She is awesome. Um, some of you may have seen her testimonial throughout the whoop and so she's just a few months ahead of you ladies. So I wanted to invite her on and share her story and I put in the topic there because it's interesting and I'm sure you'll share a little bit about that lily where she has been eating more and has lost weight.

That's why the topic is um you know, eating more to lose weight. And so firstly I'm really, I would love for you to introduce yourself, um share how young you are if you have any kids. Um and we'll start right there. Hi, I'm lily and I'm 44 years old and um I have a teenage daughter, she's 15 and as most of you all might know already, she um was a premium.

She's disabled. So we're here. Yes. And so I'd love to start lily, you watch the whoop and you were submitting your growth work and you were all in. And then when I when we opened up to book a discovery call, you had booked, so what made you decide to transition from the Whoop into the R3VOLELIFE METHOD?

Well, you know, attending all those uh your workshops, I mean, as I said, I was there day after day after day and something in, you know, a day after day, everything that you mentioned of is what I needed.

That's what I wanted. And somehow I didn't know how to get it. And your, you know, your program has everything, you know, has everything I wanted. I mean, um if I was going to go get it here, like a trainer and then get a nutritional coach, you know, everything was going to be separate, right here was just a one-shot deal and everything was included.

So for me, that was the best bet and convenience after, you know, I mean, it was all online and the coaching someone backing me up telling me this is the way you're supposed to do it, you're doing it right, you're doing it wrong and you know, this is what you're supposed to be eating. I mean, I was just guessing at it, I was just like winging it and half the time, but obviously, it wasn't correct.

I mean, what I, you know, I thought was correct, wasn't because the pounds still kept coming and um and I needed that that person behind me to show me that is uh that is, I'm sure a lot of our ladies who are kind of in the same boat, just kind of like you said, winging it, you know, maybe a youtube video here and like downloading a diet plan there and kind of trying to figure out with without the background without the education.

So what was your life like then before you joined the revolve life method? You mentioned a little bit about that, but what was it like before? Well, I mean, you know with life everything happens and we put everybody, you know, everybody comes before us and then um and then you're thinking, you know, you go through those sporadic moments where you eat healthily and then you um get off the bandwagon, that's what happened to me, you know, I was eating healthy, I was somewhat losing or I thought I was losing some weight, you know, and then I'm like, well, you know, if I eat another burger or if I, you know, making a pit stop, it ain't gonna hurt much.

And in the long run, it just got out of hand and then you're, you know, you're back to where you begin when their very first and then, you know, I was just thinking why did I do that? You know, I regret it later, but by then it was too late.

The pounds had already been there and um, you know, just try, like you said, you know, trying to research it ourselves on youtube or books, you know, just doing it from whatever you thought was correct and because I'm like, I'm not going to hire a nutritionist, nor am I going to hire a trainer and then I have to, you know, it's just money here and there and all that and it adds up after a while.

So, um, for me, you know, I was there, I was doing, I was doing good and then I went back to my old habits and then I, you know, then I go back to my doing good and it's just a cycle goes back and forth until finally, I'm like, I can't do it anymore.

I'm, you know, I'm 44. I know, like, as I said, you know, after my father-in-law died, it hit hard and it hit home, you know, it was like, you need to open your eyes and you got to do something about it.

Yeah. And you know what I am, and I love that, you mentioned, you know, it's like that, that R3 is a one-stop-shop. You're right where you will have guidance with your nutrition, it's personalized to you.

Um where, where, you know, depending on your fitness levels, we can tweak your program. Like we have some new ladies who are beginners. So I'm there on like the beginner level program, you're a little bit more intermediate and then we have advanced.

So it's tailored for, you know, your fitness level. And you mentioned, you know, going back to your old ways, like doing well and then falling back doing well and falling back and that's where, you know, the mindset coaching kicks in, and in fact, we have a session right after this interview and that and that is tailored to help you to stop um repeating those same behaviors and taking a hard look at how do I get off this hamster wheel? And that's what we do with mindset coaching in life coaching.


So, um since being at R3, because it's only been two months, right, what have your results been so far in externally and internally, wow, I mean, I didn't think one, you know externally like I said two months in and um after you gave me my nutritional plan customized and I told you I wasn't used to that, I was used to the appetite suppressant, I was used to, you know, the starvation, starving one meal a day kind of thing.

And just remember saying really, this is so much food. Yeah, so full. Like, uh, there ain't no way I'm going to eat all of this and you have your eating and yet what's happened I've lost to pat. I mean, I've lost a pants size in two months and it's just like what? It's mind-blowing.

I mean, I couldn't lose a pants size in a year because of that cycle. And then, um, yeah, I, I see at first it's a lot of it was, I mean, you want me to eat 2-3 meals a day. You're like, and so like plus on top of that drink a lot of water too great.

That is huge. That's it. We're definitely, we emphasize your water. That's amazing. So what is then the difference between you from R3 and the things that you've tried, what's the biggest difference in results? I've seen the results.

I mean, you know, I was, I wasn't into the keto. There was no way I'm going to count cards or count calories or do this or do that. You know, my mind was somewhere else at the time and that wasn't, you know, I wasn't gonna do that.

So it was just whatever I saw that I was doing and I didn't have that you behind me telling me you're supposed to do this or do that. Trust me. Trust the process. That's what you said. Trust the process I think. Oh lord. Am I sure?

But yeah sure enough. Um, you know when we did the, oh I just saw, you know, the one was the pants size and two was the endurance. Uh, you know, I mentioned to you thank you, thank you for, you know, making us do the, you know the fair test.

I never wanted to be on camera nor take pictures nor nothing that involves my face or my, that would show my weight game. You know, uh I was always behind the scene and since R3, it's, I don't know, it's given me that, that confidence, you know, as you noticed I went on video and just talked my head off.

I'm thinking was that me that would happen and I have to throw in there, that beautiful selfie of you that you shared in the group. You are all done up. Like I was so proud of you for just taking that step and having the confidence to do that. Yeah. You know when you lose the way you in that mindset that you're working, you know, you're working on, you put yourself first and that was what happened, that's been happening to me.

You know, I see myself, um, I want, you know, it popped up and I'm like, yeah, I want to book it. Let me do it. Why not? You know, I find a babysitter.

You know, I mean she'll be fine, whatever. And sure enough, I attended it. I mean it took all day, but hey, it was right. It was makeup. It was never done that before.

Pre R3, right? Never. So you know, stepping outside of your comfort zone. So many ways that I mean, I see the confidence in you. I remember, you know, for speaking to you at our discovery call and I'm sure back then that, that mindset you were and then would have never thought that you would do a makeup class, take a selfie, and share it with a group. You know, uh, post fitness videos of you.

I'm sure there was no way you would have done that. And yeah, look at you now, like, and this is just the beginning. So I would love to wrap up lily. What would you say to someone you know, if there's someone out there watching right now, there is a reason why you're watching this.

Okay. Uh, I truly believe it. I know you do, you do to lily that God doesn't make any mistakes. So if you were watching this and you can relate with lily, I know and you've experienced the whoop and every, you're getting that tingly feeling in your body and you're like, this is it for me.


But what would you say to them? Really if there is someone who is considering booking that discovery call, but feeling nervous about starting, what would you say to her? Just do it because of your second think of you know, if you're you're thinking about it and that was me 2nd thinking about it, thinking about it and then you lose out because you talked yourself out of it, you know, and you just gotta do it, you just got to, you know, jump in and do it and um and it's amazing.

It's amazing the transformation, you don't realize it, but it's happening and that confidence where you put yourself prioritized, it's really good network kind of like looking back lily, where would you be if you didn't join? R3 and two months had passed, probably depressed again depression, you know, I'm putting everybody, you know, not making time for myself for not allowing myself to spend money on me.

I mean I make up class, I would never have spent my, you know that it wasn't much, but I wouldn't have spent, I would have preferred to spend on something, you know, on my family or whatever and then there was nothing to show for it.

And um, you know, before R3 I would, I would be the same in the same place I was years ago, back and forth trying to wing it and you know, and then not losing weight, then I would be depressed again, you know, just in a, in a deep, in a deep hole where you go back and forth, back and forth and you ain't seen no results and that's when, that's when you get desperate and like I said, god that you were a godsend because for whatever reason you were there and yeah, and you were the whole bundle, the whole shebang deal that I needed and sure enough, you know, it's been amazing.

I mean first I thought like, oh my god, how am I gonna, you know, I'm not a techie person. But no, I mean it's easy. It's a routine, it becomes a routine. It's just taking nature now, you know, to do the exercise, do the nutrition to do everything and, and it's like, it's not that, it's not that bad.

Yes. You know what, that, you know what I'm hearing remember what happens when you start new habits. It's unbearable at first, which is where a lot of ladies are right now. And then at the very beginning, it was uncomfortable. But what I'm hearing right now lily is that you are unstoppable.

Uh-huh and this is just the beginning like we have some really fun goals that we're working towards and you know, your goal is my goal, and that whole photoshoot, don't you worry, we're going to get there. And so you know, if lily doesn't inspire you, I don't know what will, honestly this woman is amazing.

Um, she jumped all in was always putting everyone else, including her daughter, which is understandable, but you know through the whoops, she learned well I will be a better mother, a better wife, a better sister, a better daughter, a better person overall when I'm healthy, happy and fit and it shows and it shows.


So if this is speaking to you, we have less than 24 hours and we are closing down enrollment into the R3VOLVELIFE METHOD. And then every time we open the doors, our fee goes up. So if you want to take advantage now and see if we're a good fit. All you need to do is click on the link above book, a discovery call with me.

Let's have a conversation and I promise you, you know if we're meant to be if we're a good fit you have nothing to lose. But wait. So I want to say thank you to lily for being a special guest today and sharing your story and looking beautiful. And I promise you the next time we do a whoop she's going her story is going to be even more enhanced.

And uh and I'm excited for that because she knows she's my next poster girl, literally. So thank you again. Really. And for the rest of you jump on that discovery call, I look forward to meeting you and renew refresh, restore your mind, body, and spirit with us here at R3 by everyone.

Have a great day, bye!


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