Janae & Nicole's Transformation

#r3transformation Nov 04, 2021

Have two of my coaches here who once upon a time were members as well and I want to invite them to share their story because they were exactly where you were with and they know that it's scary but they jumped and so without further ado, you may recognize these two faces. I'd like to bring on coach Janae and coach Nicole.

Hi ladies, how are you? Good kids. So high. Um, I would love for each of you and I will start with you jenny to share. Um, you know what, where were you before you joined R3 where was your health? Where was your mindset before becoming an R3 member? Because you have to keep in mind ladies that before these who became coaches, they were members first.

So they know exactly how you guys have been feeling and the frustration that you've been feeling. So I'll start with you, Janae. What was your mindset? Um and I think I froze. Oh yeah, you are but at least you're smiling because sometimes freer and it's like an ugly face.

Did it happen? No no no you're smiling. It's a nice moment agnostic. Yeah, so that's good. At least you're smiling. We can still hear you. So why don't you? It's okay like you, it's a beautiful smile that you have on your face.

Why don't you share your mindset and your health before you became a member at R3? For sure. So before I became a member, obviously just like everyone else, I've tried a million things. I was on the roller coaster up and down up and down probably for a good 10 years. Um, I tried just about everything from like personal trainers and fitness instructors and big-box gyms and little tiny gyms and MMA gyms and just like everything the whole gamut as well as you know like a really quick easy fix, you know those $20 meal plans or you can download online and stuff like that.

I have like a whole shelf full of that stuff that I've printed out and um never even used right, I got all gung ho and super excited. Yeah, I'm going to try it and yet, no, it never took off because there was nobody else around, it was just me and a bunch of paper and uh that's not fun, it's not fun to you know, do it on your own and feel lost and kind of struggling and uh that's where I was when, when I first joined r3 when I first kinda and I came in with just intent of, let me check it out, let me see what this is all about.

I had no, no, you know, set up notions of like I'm gonna join this and I'm gonna have this big plan and I'm gonna do all these wonderful things. It was um, let me just check it out. I'm just gonna check it out. And at that point, I was probably uh not my heaviest, but probably my second-heaviest.

I was probably about 184 lbs. And um, I had to actually go out and buy new fat close at that point and being on the roller coaster, I had, you know, several times over the over 10 years, I had a closet full of my skinny clothes and a closet full of my fat clothes and some hard skies or you guys have that as well, have a fat clothes area in your closet and a skinny clothes.

Let me know, put it in the job. I'm sure everyone can relate because that's your safety net to write and that's your fail-safe if something fails right? And even now I struggle with the challenge of getting rid of that fat closed because there is that fear in the back of my mind of needing it again. And that's like your safety, your safety blanket, your security blanket.

And I know that those are my challenges and those are my struggles. So I I know that my struggle is in my head and I knew that the minute I walked into r3 and knowing that I'm just gonna go in for a consult and see what this is all about because it feels like it's something different. Like I don't know what it is yet.

Ah but I feel like there's something different about it and I need to give it a chance and um listening to crystal kind of walk through the program and the 12, the whole 12-month program. Everything is she, she rolled it all out for me. And I remember thinking in my head like this is what I've been looking for, like whether I knew it all along or not, um it was all of the accountability and the mindset, coaching and digging deep and finding your 10 deep y and focusing in on, on that stuff versus, you know, let's do some crazy workouts, you know, five days a week and you know, burn as many calories as much as possible, but nobody is there to help me when I'm having like a binge attack and I'm going to eat the whole bag of shit, someone was sitting right or um if I start to feel self-conscious and insecure and I start and I just, you know, eat my emotions or um you know, like uh some people know this about me, but I spent a lot of my childhood in foster care.

I come from a very poor family and there were six of us kids. So, you know, there's a lot of mouths to feed. They were often where we didn't have food. And I remember going to high school in the morning and there was just an onion in the fridge and I was like, okay, I'm not going to eat today, that's ok.

And so when I first went into foster care, of course, my initial reaction was to eat everything. I just wanted to eat all of the food. And um and I still struggle with that. I still have challenges with wanting to eat all the food on hand because it might not be there tomorrow. So, I know that's my mental challenge.

And a big box Jim isn't gonna do that a boxing gym or mm a gym or you know, any of those like they're not going to help even a personal trainer as much as they want to help their not skilled and they're not trained in those areas to provide that kind of assistance, right? Or even guidance for that matter.

Right? Most of them can't even relate. Right? The so being in r3 and the entire tribe, right, you've got all these women that can relate. They all understand they all have um similar stories. And sometimes I'm not even telling my story and I'm nodding and agreeing because somebody else's voice is my story.

I remember one lady talking about growing up and looking in the mirror as a kid and always seeing the fat girl and even as an adult seeing the fat girl and I thought that's me, that's what I see, that's what I struggle with with with all the time. Even when I went crazy skinny, I went crazy restrictive diet, I was like down 220 lbs and I looked in the mirror and I still saw this really fat girl, this girl that just could not ever do enough and she was never going to be there, she was never gonna make it and I was wow, I'm just so fat and I look at those pictures now and I am so sad because she was broken and sometimes now I think as with DNAat haunts me a little bit, so I think I try to go a little bit on the reverse and maybe overcompensate sometimes and that got me to where I was when I joined R3 all of a sudden I bloomed up to 184 lbs.

Where did that come from? And just kind of snuck up on you and one day you look at yourself in your mirror and you're just like, I'm three times a person that I was before and I don't even recognize her anymore. I see this outward smile. Everyone sees this, I'm always happy.

Nothing's wrong with DNA, but I'm dying inside, right? I'm mortified. I'm so embarrassed that I got so big, I push everyone away. I close the door on everyone. I lost friends. I didn't talk to anybody. I stayed sheltered.

Um, there were a lot of workouts that I did love, but I didn't do them. After all, I felt so uncomfortable and awkward and so ashamed store chain because all these people knew me as somebody that was fit and someone that was really healthy and always interested in healthy food, and who was I now I was this really big girl that just got out of control and I felt so ashamed and so alone, so alone.

And then our three just kinds of gave me that second home made me start to kind of come out of my shell again and when the weight started to come off and again to Tracy’s point, it was the mindset trigger. Right? Once I was like journaling and I was opening up those demons and I was uncovering my why and really kind of discovering just, you know, some of my past habits and behaviors and patterns that led me down the path that I did. So how could I interrupt them and how can I switch my mind and make different choices and make different decisions and be okay with those decisions.

Still one of my sin nature's will always be the, you know, like why can't I have it? All right? Like I want to eat my, I want to have my cake and eat it too, right? So, you know, like, like a little kid like well, but I want to eat the whole pie, you can eat the whole pie, Janae.

Uh, but I had to I had to come to terms with that and be okay with that. And there's no way I would ever be where I am today without our three, without the coaching and the pride and becoming a coach too because that has held its accountability with everything that I've done. So I mean that has helped me grow as a person as well, right? And knowing that, you know, I'm there for other people as well, um it's helped me be accountable and you've, you've shared a couple of amazing key points in that.

Um and I'm sure a lot of ladies can relate where, you know, they are, uh they feel ashamed, they feel they want, they're not bringing their best selves and they hide and that's what I that's when I, when I say like, why would you, why do you want to do that?

Right? Why do you want to do that? And we're talking more than just work out like we're not, you know, like of course we offer that because that's important, of course, you know, we need the exercise component, of course, we need the nutrition component, but what you just described is the most important uh service that the R3VOLVELIFE METHOD entails, which is the mindset coaching because if we don't think this then like what you were doing, you were exercising like crazy, you did all the things, but it wasn't working, you know, and and and and and that's the message that we're trying to relais here is that R3

Is not a gym, we're not just workouts were not just, you know, like an eating plan, like, yes, we provide all those things, but we're more than that. And you and you mentioned the community, you mentioned that the support and the love that you felt from the other women realizing that, wow, I'm not the only one that feels this way.

Mhm. There, like there is uh just this unbelievable like um Bolan’s huh? That you have with this tribe knowing that you're not alone and we're arm and arm and and and all of us now, right? Like we see questioning that's her goal. We're all behind you, paddling hard for you, right? And you feel that from the tribe and there's so much power in that.

So much power, you know, for those who think they could still do it on their own or they don't have the time. Is there ever really a right time? There's never a right time. The only right time is right now? Mhm. Why waste time doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Like if you know, we asked during the week what have you guys done? We had to remember that.

They were like weight watchers and Bernstein and died and this and that and this and this and that. How's that going for that? Why isn't it working? It's the mind, right? Mhm. And you're living proof. Mhm. You were living proof.

And so how would you, how did you get over the fear? Because we're not we're not, you know, a $20 gift memory. How did you get over that? Like how did you get over that fear of investing in yourself? Well, I had to look at it from the perspective of, you know, what is it that I'm getting like, what what what am I paying for? What am I what am I putting forward on this? And it's okay.

Yeah, I'm getting fitness. Yeah, I'm getting nutrition. I'm getting life coaching. I'm getting a community support system. I'm getting accountability. I'm I had to weigh out all of those things and understand that the most important things that I needed were the mindset coaching, like the life coaching and um uh and the accountability and those two alone, those are like three times the price of what R3 was charging.

So I was, I was a little bit more on the, okay, this is a steal of a deal and I'm going to jump on this because um, this is what I, I know I need for myself and if I'm not gonna do it like I'm never going to be where I want to be if I don't jump on board and I don't do something.

Um, I'm never, I'm never going to get there. I'm never going to get there on my own. It's been 10 years and I don't know if I'm still frozen or not, but look, these are, these are all the pretty, that all the workouts and membership things that I've purchased, this is probably a year's membership worth that never even used, right, let's be honest.

I, I didn't even really give it the time of day. So I, I would just kind of like, and that's what I had to look at. Janae like are you, are if you turn this down, aren't you just going to one night at two am up on google looking for the next Beachbody and subscribing to that for, you know, $50 a month or whatever.

And then I'm going to buy this thing and that thing and so on and so on and then it'll all add up and it'll be twice the price and I will be exactly where I am today. I will be no better. But I had to go through the pain of that for 10 years. So I would say if you, if you can choose not to do that for 10 years, like don't jump on it now and get started now. So a month from now, you're a month into it and you're a month into talking about the successes that you've had and the changes that you've seen, even the people that know me closest around.

I mean beyond just the physical changes. Um, I don't even think I realized how uh you know withdrawn and may be closed off and not as positive as I thought I was because now people are commenting and saying like there's so much energy about you, you have this life force that you're giving off. Like we want some of that.

I have some of that. What are you and it's not even like what are you doing to get so fit? It's like what are you doing to be so vibrant? What are you doing to be so engaging and so positive? And where's your energy coming from? Can we have that? I have like weekly meetings with you as counterparts for you know my my my other job and they make the same comments were just on zoom calls and they're like oh my god if we had a million journeys we would have enough product.

Right? So like that, that's how well that's what happens. That's the transformation. And I just want to make that point in that look at everyone else that is benefiting because you invested the time the money and energy into yourself, your workplace is benefiting, your employer is benefiting, your daughter is benefiting, your family, is benefiting your friends are benefiting.

It's like that's the point is that everyone else benefits when you are happy and healthy and fit everybody else benefits from your energy. And this is where you know when I see our ladies who are coming to us and our like I have zero energy and I think, oh man, like I wonder how you are as an employer, as a wife, as a mother, as a friend.

If you have zero energy and you're tired all the time because I want to give 100 of my myself fully to everyone because that is what they deserve. And look at all the people that you know that are in your circle that is ur loved ones that are your co-workers that are benefiting from this amazing light that you exude and this is why you're in R3 coach.

Do you know what I mean? Like you are living the R3 life, right? And exactly right. Like there is no better time than now. Like why are you going to wink to live your best life? I can't comprehend that because if I had a choice between living a tired, exhausted, unhappy, hang agree all the time life and living a life full of energy and drive and just happy and loving the body another image that I see in the reflection and just being like wow, just having this confidence.

I would choose that. Yes. And you would, you would make the choices that you needed to in your life to make room for it because that's because I  understand but I'm you know, single mom raised my daughter all on my own uh just one income and I've had to make sacrifices and we've had to struggle before and um sometimes it's just like budgetary, right? Like I just move my budgets around and I make room for it and just like you were saying like I mean we've all been guilty of it.

I'm sure you know, two am shopping, right? Like you don't need it. And that was like the covid phenomenon, right? Um, but it was, you know, again, it comes down to your mindset and focusing on what, what is going to get you to your goals and understanding what your goal is. If this isn't your goal, if that's not what you want, that's okay too, right? Like okay, that's not your goal.

Um, but we will help those people that have that goal and need to have that right? Um and that's what I had to do. I had to look at what, what is my goal, what do I want and at the end of the day, is it worth it for me? And 100%, I'm, I've always been that person that um I need to be the best me for my daughter so that she sees that so that she can grow up to be and believe that she needs to be the best version of herself, right? And she needs to put herself first before anybody else.

And those were the things that we grew as we have together, we bonded together and having her grow up to be a very strong, confident woman that believes, um I can do this on my own, I'm independent, I'm strong. it doesn't matter what other people think. It's, you know, how I value myself, that's what's important and it's my positivity and it's my work ethic, and it's right.

So those are the things that I wanted her to have and how can I, you know, give that to her? How can I show her that if I'm not living an example of that? If I'm not leading by example, so I have to do that for myself. If I want her to do that too.

100 happy. 100% Nicole. Are you there? Because we don't see your picture. I am. Do you can you hear me? We can't we can't see you. I don't I don't know why. I don't know why you can't see my flower. I know, I know, I mean, I know it's funny.

I mean I was something happened and anyway I disappeared and at least you can hear me but I don't know why you can't wait here. So for you Nicole to share um you know, we touched upon a coffee talk maybe two weeks ago on how you know the mindset and the tribe, if you don't mind, I might be sharing your most recent battle. And uh, you know, you, you, you were, you were diagnosed with breast cancer.

And um, and, and you know, I would love for you to share how, how has the mindset component and the community helped you, helped you through, uh, you know, your struggle of this past year because I know it wasn't easy, right? Um, for sure not help about.

It's, well, yeah, to say the least, it's an umbrella. It's been really hard because I went from being obvious, I mean, uh, you know, I've been with R3 for, so I guess it's six years now, right? Six years to shortly after you guys started.

So, um, and I went through the whole process, and i, and I got to us. I mean, you know, when I got my diagnosis, I was probably was in the best place I had ever been, mentally, physically spiritually, emotionally that I had ever been in my life. So, now, and it's funny, I never say never right, that something's going to happen.

And, you know, it's funny, you said you you hung out to your faculties. Well, I gave all mine away. I can't get rid of them. So, because I had never planned to go back and I and I didn't, and then, unfortunately, you know, this happened and well, I couldn't work out, like I wanted to, every time I did uh take one step forward, I would go two steps back.

So I had to cut down and cut out for the most part. And, and then all the, all the steroids, they had me on the side, a lot of adverse reactions. So, unfortunately, steroids have you put on weight as well, so so now I'm kind of like, I feel like I'm starting from ground zero again, starting from from from the get-go.

But it's like yeah, I mean, but I'm, but I want to but my goal is I'm I know I'm going to get there again and I will do whatever it takes to get there again and uh yeah um sorry, that's probably a good thing, you can see me but yeah, um it's definitely a struggle, but the mindset is there too.

I mean the support of all you guys and everybody I know you're all behind me, so I know I'm gonna I I know I'm gonna make it, you know, I have a goal to uh you know, obviously last year, I mean this year I wanted to have the same goal as you ladies, but that you know that that dream or that goal went out the window, god had other plans.

But you know, that doesn't mean I'm gonna give up. I'm not gonna give up on the goal, I'm gonna, I'm gonna continue, and then it's going to be my goal for next year now, right? And I know that I've got the support of all of you behind me 110% and I'm not gonna, I'm gonna not gonna let any obstacles stand in my way.

And you know what nicole, I just want to like just rewind a little bit because I remember distinctly through your um, you know, even through while you were going through chemo, your uh your drive to want to work out, like it was so impressed when we're not because when you, when you're used to, you know, working out almost every day, like that's what I wanted to do, like just in the beginning, like first it was the surgery, so I had to wait until I healed, you can work out so then I can work out a little and and then even having the first round of chemo is like after the 1st 10 days was about the worst and then I would start to feel a little bit better and I'm like okay, I'm gonna work out now, but then, but then something happened and then I got, you know, I got a bad reaction, I got bad rash and I was like oh my goodness and I developed breathing issues and I developed and then and then of course the next round of chemo would start to be like come on, you know what I want to honor though is the fact that even your chemo treatment was not stopping you from wanting to work out.

Not. That is the point that I think is important to here ladies is that you know any excuse that you can come up with like I'm too tired like imagine this woman was going through chemo, talk about energy sucking and yet retired. Yeah, you were and even though you were tired if you were able to you still did work out like you didn't you know like that to me again is a huge representation of how living the r3 life where nothing is going to stop you and not even cuma was stopping you from wanting to work out.

You know it was just obviously physically you couldn't do it but mentally you're like let's go I want to mentally yeah, I mentally I'm a different person, my body and my mind don't match right now, so that's what I got, I have to get back on track again for sure, 100%. And you absolutely have a huge tribe behind you, but I just want to honor you for the fact that, you know, your mindset, living the R3 life knowing that um you know that you have a community behind you that working out as a part of your lifestyle, like that's a no brainer, and that's the thing when you become part of the R3 tribe, like, this is what we're trying to teach you, you guys like that, that working out and taking care of yourself is not a chore.

No, you know, it's a privilege. Yes, yes, it's a privilege. Absolutely. And you know, like uh like I was Janae was sharing, like, is there ever going to be a perfect time?

Well, I mean, no, I mean perfect what I mean? Like you said, like having a baby, like there's no perfect time for anything, but everything happens at the right time. So obviously there has to be something where, as you said, you're sick and tired of being sick and tired and when I first met you, that's exactly where I was, I was sick and I was tired and for, and from the first work that I had at our three, I knew uh this was my forever home.

I wasn't going anywhere. Yes. Yeah, no, I know that. And so for someone who is um nervous about the investment of time, money, and energy, Nicole, what would you say to them? What would you say to them? Because you've been with us for six years and you're never gonna stop, you're part of a permanent part of our family.

You know, what would you say to someone who is feeling the way you felt before you joined our three? But they're nervous? Well, what, what advice would you give them? Well, I mean, it's, you know, okay to be nervous because everybody's nervous about the unknown or something new um change always causes stress.

But you know what? They just have to know number one the money. Well, you're always going to find the money because, you know, I mean, like when I was a single mom as well, and when you invest in your health, that's a that's an investment worth making. And so then you're going to cut down on something else.

Um you know, from like, shoot I used to, I was when I met you, I was drinking every day. Okay, well let's cut out that bottle of wine, everything a couple of days, you know what I mean? Let's add up that those dollars right there, you've got your, your workout money, um your time, you can always find time because you make time for what's important in your life.

So yeah, instead of, I mean, let's all be honest, you have time saying that you have no time is pretty as an excuse. It's an excuse. So you find the time you find the best time for you though, because like I said before in our coffee talk, you're not going to like of course after dinner and after work and you've had a big meal and now you're full and now you're more tired.

You're not going to work out then, so find a time what's best for you, you know, and I don't know, it's different for everybody, you know, but you make the time and then, and in terms, and there's no judgment with us, so we're going to welcome everybody, you know, so you don't have to feel scared about being judged or being the oddball that we've all started at the same place.

We all started this together and we take this journey together. Let me see each other through. I love that you're right, is that we are taking this journey together and we see each other through, you know, and do you have anything that you'd like to add to that journey with, with someone nervous about investing time, money, and energy? I think just echoing every everything that has been said because just like Nicole said, um, you know, you find you find the time and I find that now with everything moving online, I will find, I will say that I probably get more in because I'm not traveling to a studio.

I'm not, you know, waiting for the change room to change quickly and do this and do that right? Like I can just like, I think not. I told me the other day that she worked out in her pajamas once. I know exactly why not.

Yeah, you're at home, nobody is there to see you. Exactly. An end, right? And there are plenty of times where I'm like, you know like I have super slow digestion. So like I need to space it out like ours between sometimes it just doesn't work out that way and I'm like, I'm too full, but I'm gonna do it anyway, I'm just gonna do it anyway and I just get it done right? Because um yeah, I'm trying to squeeze it in and find the time and it's not about finding the time anymore.

It's you know like I have things scheduled or planned and they're just going to get done it's just going to get done. It doesn't matter how I feel, it's just going to get done. That's it's a 54321 and that's just it get it done. Absolutely.

And that's the thing once you know because the both of you you've had um you know experience big trials and there's a lot of you know sin natures that we create awareness around and now that you are living the R3 life, it means that this is a lifestyle now. There is no this is it like like you know your mind, your body, your spirit, all of it is going to continually be fed, you honor your body, you make time for yourself, you, you make the most important appointment which is with yourself every single day.

You fuel yourself because you recognize what foods make you feel ill and what makes you feel good and what gives you energy. You're mindful about what you eat, you know, you, you, you know that you have a huge tribe that is always there for you, supporting you and keeping you accountable as well and you're keeping them accountable, you've got coaches that would do anything for you and you, you know that you know, we would give the shirt off our back for you because that's how much we care about our tribe and about our coaches like we're more than just a gym, we are more than just workouts, were more than just a nutrition plan, right? We're, you know, a mind and body 12 months transformation program and weight loss is just the dang cherry on top. That's true, you know, so you know, to, to wrap up, I just, I love my coaches, their coaches for a reason and now you can witness why as they are living and breathing the R3 life and you know, they've had their struggles, but they persevered and now their stories will inspire others and that's the whole intention as well is that you will inspire the people in your life, you will inspire your children, your mom, your dad, your spouse, your bestie, your co-workers, you have no idea the positive mindset that you're going to develop, it’s going to be infectious.

The energy that you have because it's so abundant, people are going to ask like Janae, where do you get all this energy from? And you are living your best life and why not live your best life now? Mhm. Why? When is it? Because you can't wait because you don't know what's in store anyway? You don't have what life has you know in store for you around the corner.

You don't know if you're living proof of that Nicole. Yeah. Like who knew that? You would have to battle. You know the big scene. Who knew? Who knew people? People look at me and went, you have cancer.

What? Yeah. And that's the whole point. Why? Why wait for a disease? You know why to wait for a disease to finally like knock some sense into you. Wait for that. Got to be proactive, not reactive. Yeah. Someone quoted that point is you need to be proactive and not reactive and that's what the r3

The r3volvelife method does right? We untie that rope that has been holding you back. We give you love and support and accountability. We prescribe you a personalized method because everybody is different and you get coaching and you celebrate the winds, the big and the small you cry together, you laugh together, you grow together.

And then at the end of the day, you are all the spot in on that island celebrating life because you weren't living the r3 life. So I just want to you know to honor my coaches, thank you for taking the time to be here to share your story. You're living proof man because life wasn't easy for the both of you.

I know very well the struggles that both of you have gone through and to see how far you've come and why you are copas now is because you are an inspiration and this is the type of coaching and the type of team that will support you when you are a part of the R3VOLVELIFE METHOD, you have these coaches that have been in your shoes, coach Janae once upon a time would look in the mirror and see the fat girl, you know, coach Nicole was sick and tired of being sick and tired and depended on a bomber to make her happy.

They know guys, they know, mhm you know, I gained 30 lbs alongside my husband because I, you know, I felt pity and I didn't want to be super fit and healthy when he was depressed and full of anxiety. We know what it feels like ice, we've been in your shoes, but then we also know what it's like to come out the other side, hmm and you will have a whole tribe behind you, you have coaches who will care for you, you have a plan that is personalized for you and this is the p of the whoop, this is the plan, this is the method and it's called the R3VOLVELIFE METHOD.

So if you're ready, our doors are wide open, our arms, we'll welcome you, our tribe will support you and there will be a lending hand every time you fall and you will receive some tough love. But that's how it works, right girls like there's gonna be some trials and there will be obstacles but you got to show up fully, you got to bring your 200% because we will always there are 200% but you have to do the same.

So you are ready to transform, you're ready to reach your wine and if you're ready to live your dreams awake then we invite you to join us, join the r3volvelife method and watch your life, your mind, and your body transform into the healthiest, strongest, happiest version of you.

So thank you to my coaches, coach Janae and coach Nicole, I'm kissing you. Thank you. You can see that back, you can't see my kisses are going back, we love you guys and we truly hope to see you on the other side


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